Total Sanitation Campaign
Our NGO has been entrusted with the construction of low
cost toilets in Patna & Lakhisarai districts of Bihar, for the
last several years and have sofar constructed over 1650
such toilets under total sanitation campaign . The
programme has been running under the watchful eye of
Public Health Engineering Department of Bihar.Total
Sanitation Campaign is a comprehensive programme to
ensure sanitation facilities in rural areas with a broader
goal to eradicate the practice of open defecation. It follows
a principle of “low to no subsidy” where a nominal subsidy
in the form of incentive is given to rural poor households for construction of toilets. Our NGO
has been a part of TSC regarding Information, Education and Communication (IEC),
Capacity Building and Hygiene Education for effective behaviour change of the targeted
group. The NGO has constructed the low cost toilets with support from the PHED. Only
contribution of the beneficiary has been labor put in by the family members in construction of
the toilets.
Health & Sanitation Awareness Programme
Our Society organized workshops
in villages to make the people aware of the health hazards involved in open defecation and
the importance of making toilets in the home. They were also educated in personal health
and hygiene and diseases, related to unsafe water consumption. Women participants were
told to keep their surroundings clean and avoid contaminating sources of water with filth and
garbage. In short, preventive health education, stressing on the importance of personal and
environmental cleanliness.
More than 45 Free Health
check- up camps are being organized in our working
area every year with the help & sponsorship of individual
donors. A free health check -up camps were organized
at Barh & Sahaspur in Bihar & Uttrakhand respectively,
with the help of local people and medical fraternity. In the
camps 350 older women and men benefitted. Health
check-ups and medicines were provided by the society to the poor and needy.
Balajee celebrated wold TB day with minority
community with the help of Union in Hukumatpur and
Doiwala. Poor, uneducated and uninformed women
are often victims of a plethora of social, marital and
economic problems. They need proper counseling
and support from the Society and government
agencies. We try to sort out such problems by mutual
consent and also by referring to the family
courts and other forums.
Workshop on harmful effects of tobacco use among college youths in BFIT Campus Dehradun for effective implementation of provisions of tobacco act- COTPA 2003 With